Cleaning Spray-Paint Vandalism: A utility building in Malvern, PA is cleaned

The following video shows a brick wall of a utility building that was vandalized. The graffiti vandalism was removed using a product called Watch Dog Wipe Put Porous Surface Graffiti Remover from an organization called Dumond. The product is applied to the graffiti vandalism, allowed to sit for 15-30 minutes to dissolve the spray paint, and then power washed.

Removing Graffiti from a Utility Building with an Applied Product and a Power Wash

Disclaimer: Maryland Citizens Against Vandalism (MCAV) is a non-profit organization with no commercial interests in any particular commercial graffiti removal product. However, MCAV does advocate for particular graffiti-vandalism cleaning methods that prove to be successful in removing graffiti without damaging the original surface.


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